Friday, April 27, 2012

A Final Reflection

Wow. It’s already the end of the semester.  Who knew it would fly so fast.  English was always a harder subject for me; I wasn’t very good at writing papers.  But for some reason, my college papers are much better than my high school papers.  I think my writing style has changed a little bit since high school, which isn’t always a bad thing.  My writing is more structured and organized, and I connect my ideas better.  My transitions have gotten a lot better, thanks Ms. Dimaggio for stressing that so much in class.  I think the best thing I’ve written this semester was a History 001 paper about the Black Death, comparing two different documents.  Most of that paper was influenced by this class though.  The two revising techniques I used were taught in this class.  The best thing I think I wrote in English was my evaluation paper about the Chrysler 200 commercial.  Eminem is one of my favorite artists, and he was great in that commercial. Not only that, I feel I did a good job analyzing the commercial and how it persuaded the audience.  But, I feel that all of my other papers have been very well written and of good quality.  I spent many hours writing and revising them, and they turned out well for the most part.  I liked the discussion of different techniques; it has me look at a paper much differently than I did before.  However, I wish there was a list of techniques, or one that I’d compiled, because sometimes I feel different techniques are necessary.  I hope to continue writing in my engineering classes, and I feel there will be an opportunity to.  I think there will be other classes that I will need to write papers for, so I think my writing should continue.  If I’m not writing in classes, I might continue blogging; it’s a good way to write about my ideas.

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